JEDX > Medical & Front Line Respirator Masks
Supreme safety and comfort for medical and front line workers
The health care sector is our main partner, widely utilizing JedX respirators in the medical industry. We have been cooperating with HUS (Helsinki and Uusimaa Hospital District) since the beginning of our production.
The Dutch State is our largest customer in medical field and our respirators are also used in university hospitals across Europe. In addition, our FFP2 and FFP3 respirators are also worn by dentists and veterinarians as well as pharmacists.
Our products are safe, durable, and comfortable to use in hospital settings and healthcare facilities where hygiene is an extremely important factor. The bacterial filter efficiency (BFE) in our FFP3 respirators is 99.9 %, offering medical and front line workers a superior level of safety.

We at JedX specialize in respiratory protection. We exist to enable people to breathe safely. In order to guarantee superior protection, we choose the highest quality materials. We have developed our own product designs and production methods for the safest possible results. JedX respirators are developed and manufactured in Finland in our own purpose-built production facilities.
Manufactured in Finland
JedX comes from Finland, a Nordic country, where the air is cleanest in the whole world. We value clean air, yet we know it cannot be taken for granted. Breathing safely is vital. JedX develops and manufactures high-quality respirators for professional use without compromising safety. The Nordic countries and Finland are known for functional, high-quality design. We at JedX are proud of our uncompromised ethos, proud of the best quality-, wellfunctioning products we produce and proud of enabling people to breathe safely.
High quality materials and processes
For us high quality means uncompromised safety. In our products, superior protection is combined with functional design for a safe and comfortable user experience. Our respirators are tested in two accredited European laboratories and we collaborate with VTT (the Technical Research Centre of Finland) on research, development as well as quality control.
VTT acts as our continuous quality partner to ensure the high standards and consistent quality of our products. To ensure the quality of our products, the testing of our products is outsourced, testing samples of each batch of raw material.